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4kraVCS is a graphics and sound demo for the Atari 2600 and won 4th place in an old school intro competition. While the demo is running you can stay in the same part by switching TV mode to b/w. On the final screen (TV test screen) you can press reset to start again. You can learn more about 4kraVCS by visiting Xayax.net.


Additional Information
4kraVCS includes cartridge only, no manual or box is included. 4kraVCS is a PAL demo, which means it will not display properly if you are in a country that uses NTSC or SECAM television standards. PAL regions include most of Europe, Australia, Asia, and many countries in Africa and South America. If you are in the United States or Canada, this demo will not display the correct colors on your Atari 2600, and may not display on your television at all.
Cartridge Size | 4K |
Code, "Landscape" | PeiselUlli |
Code and all the rest | SvOlli |