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A.R.T.I. - Atari 7800

A.R.T.I. - Atari 7800

Regular price $60.00
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Hello there! It’s so wonderful to get a new apprentice. You can call me Arty.

We haven’t found all of the bits of the last fellow yet, I’m sure we’ll piece him back together eventually. Well pip pip huzzah and all that!

Well, I say old bean, welcome to A.R.T.I., Archaeological Rescue Team International.

We are an old and storied organization, specializing in rescuing wayward adventurers and explorers, oh, and the odd over curious cat.

We’ve developed these rather spiffy jet powered rescue suits that I’ll tell you a bit more about later. Unfortunately, I’m getting a bit too old to pull on the “A” suits now, but if you read on, I’ll be able to guide you through the basics of your training.

A.R.T.I. Box



Archaeological Rescue Team International (A.R.T.I.) is an old and storied organization, specializing in the rescuing wayward adventurers and explorers. You take on the role of Arty’s new apprentice. Pack your “H” suite and rescue gear, next stop: South America!

Your objective is to rescue the adventurer or explorer who happened to get themselves lost in each area. Fortunately, you have some pretty nifty gear and doodads to help you in your mission. Your “A” suit comes with a built in gyrocopter, a laser beam and a useful dynamite dispenser.

In the rescue zone, you will come across all manner of beasties. You can avoid them or dispatch them with the laser beam. Walls can be taken out with dynamite, but don’t stand too close! Watch out for lamps, too, if you knock out the lamp, you will be working in the dark!


  • Includes onboard HOKEY chip to support the high-quality POKEY music
  • AtariVox/SaveKey support for saving your progress
  • Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis controller support
  • Toggle Music On/Off
  • Adjust sound effects volume (Hi, Med, Low, and Off)
  • CRT Mode: Disables more detailed background graphics and reduces strobing in game
A.R.T.I. Cart and Manual



A.R.T.I. Screenshot A.R.T.I. Screenshot A.R.T.I. Screenshot A.R.T.I. Screenshot A.R.T.I. Screenshot A.R.T.I. Screenshot A.R.T.I. Screenshot A.R.T.I. Screenshot


Controller Support

A.R.T.I. supports several controller schemes. You can play the game with a two-button controller (a minium of two-buttons are required for A.R.T.I.), but you can also use an SNES (Super Nintendo) controller when paired with an SNES2Atari adapter, and you can use a Sega Megadrive or Genesis controller when connected with a 7800 Mega adapter. The SNES and Genesis controllers enable you to use additional buttons to activate your jetpack and allow you to easily pause the game.

A.R.T.I. Poster Included Free!

We're including a free 10" x 14" poster with your purchase of A.R.T.I., featuring John Calcano's original A.R.T.I. artwork that adorns the box, manual and label.

A.R.T.I. Poster


AtariVox Support

A.R.T.I. can use the AtariVox or SaveKey for saving your progress. If one of these peripherals is connected to the right controller port of your 7800 when you reach a new high score, you can enter your initials and your score is saved to the device.

Additional Information

Included with A.R.T.I. is the game cartridge, full-color, 12-page manual, professionally printed box, and a 10" x 14" poster featuring John Calcano's newly-created artwork for A.R.T.I.

Number of Players 1
Controller Joystick Controller, SNES Controller (with SNES2Atari Adapter) or Genesis Controller (with 7800 Mega Adapter)
Cartridge Size 256K
Code, Design, Graphics, Manual Text Lewis Hill
7800 Music Bobby Clark
Cover Artwork and Box John Calcano (Atariboy2600)
Manual Layout Tony Morse

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

A great spiritual successor to the activision classic title HERO. Now you get to rescue Lara Croft AND Indiana Jones lol

AtariAge continues to offer outstanding high quality products. The only area of improvement would be the order delivery time frame but your patience will be rewarded!

Charles R.

I do not know if I am allowed to review this if I don't have the cart but I bought this game for the Atari VCS. Because it starts with an "A" it's always one of the first games I see when I start the VCS up and I will often play it and see if I can get further than last time. It is my got to "pick up and play" game on my VCS. I enjoy it a lot. I highly recommend it.