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Combat Redux - Atari 2600

Combat Redux - Atari 2600

Regular price $30.00
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Ask anyone what games they played on their Atari 2600 when they were younger, and invariably Combat will be included among the titles listed. For many years, Combat was the pack-in game that came with every Atari 2600 sold, and even today it's tough to avoid stumbling among Combat cartridges when you're looking for 2600 games. The premise in Combat is fairly simple. You and a friend battle one another in tanks, bi-planes and jet-fighters to see who can score the most points in a fixed amount of time.

The original version of Combat supports many game variations, but few unique playfields. Zach Matley has created a new version of Combat, dubbed Combat Redux, that allows for 28 unique playfields. This new version of Combat supports seven groups of four playfields each: seven open mazes, seven easy mazes, seven complex mazes, and seven cloud designs. The first three groups are for tank games, and the last group is for jet-fighter and bi-plane games.

AtariAge and Zach Matley sponsored a contest on AtariAge to solicit playfield designs for Combat Redux. The response was overwhelming! You can view all the winning entries that appear on the cart at the above link. Combat Redux features a professionally printed label and manual created by Dave Exton, as well as a quick-reference card for selecting game variations.

Includes cartridge, 12-page full-color manual, and quick-reference card.

Original Game Combat
Hacked By Zach Matley
Number of Players 2
Controller Joystick
Cartridge Size 4K
Label Design Dave Exton
Manual Design Dave Exton

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
George D.

Many fond gaming memories were made in playing the Atari 2600 game Combat in the eighties and it continues to entertain over twenty-five years later. It\'s perfectly simplistic design allowed for smooth play, tense duels in tanks and planes, and had great variety with its different play modes, like guided projectiles, Pong-physics projectiles that bounced off walls, even invisible tanks!Truly, the only thing the original Combat lacked was a variety of playing fields - finally, this underdeveloped area has been remedied with the coming of Combat Redux. Where Combat sported a mere four areas to play, one per game type (Open, Easy Maze, Complex Maze, Aerial) Combat Redux boasts seven per for a total 28 unique playing fields. The new fields have been designed with more complex play in mind, trickier obstacles (and hiding places), more attention to the wrap-around for more sophisticated paths through fields, better and more imaginative cloud cover in aerial combat, and a few homages to the greatness and nostalgia of Atari.Simply put, if you enjoy Combat (and most of us do) then this is truly the next level of the classic. The only area you will be left wanting is in ... finding a second player, so you can get your Combat Redux on.


C'est une nouvelle conception et tr�s int�rressante. C'est une riche id�e de faire des suites aux grands classiques.Quel agr�ment joyeux et croquant est repr�sent� ici en prolongeant le Combat sur Atari avec cette nouvelle gamme qui promet de l'amusement suppl�mentaire � la base de l'amusement. Mais elles ne sont pas pr�vues pour les Pal/Secam (?)
J'aimerai l'acqu�rir et la partager l� en France.


This was the best purchase I made when it comes to the hack section. The menu is used with a controller and this adds so much more to the original and every game type in able to be made on each screen. This is almost a mind blowing update to the original and it has so much new stuff that you can keep your original as well because it is all new content.


COMBAT REDUX does not dissapoint. 189 games in one cartridge compaired to only 27 games on the origonal. All game types per level with 28 levels. In the images I saw nothing indicating there were 2 vs 2 and 1 vs 3 and now I have the game I assure you there there. map selection in inovative using the game system or your joystick. If you like to play a random round random map and gametype just hold select on your console, then press the button on the controller and the map selection goes into random warp speed and stops as soon as you let go. Gameplay same as COMBAT

Roger W.

Definitely a good game, that outdoes the original by far. Many levels to chose of, of which not all are fun and some are a bit repetitive.