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Crazy Brix

Crazy Brix

Regular price $35.00
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Break through 32 levels of Brix that will challenge and frustrate you. You start the game with three Deflectors and lose one each time you allow both balls to escape off the bottom of the screen. Keep both in play for as long as possible to rack up the big points!

Game Features

  • 32 Unique Levels
  • One or Two Players
  • Three Skill Levels (described below)
  • Supports Joystick and Paddle Controllers

Skill Levels

  • Easy: The balls start at their slowest speed. This is ideal for young children or first-time players.
  • Normal: The balls start at their standard speed. This is good for people already familiar with the game, and similar games of this genre.
  • Hard: The balls start out at a much faster speed, and hit their max speed much higher. Only players with insane reflexes will be able to handle the fast-pace of this skill level!

Additional Information

Includes cartridge and full-color, four-page manual. Available in NTSC and PAL television formats, please select above.

Get a Crazy Brix Box!

Crazy Brix BoxCrazy Brix Box

If you'd like a boxed copy of Crazy Brix, please select "Box Upgrade: Yes" at the top of the page before adding Crazy Brix to your cart. Our boxes are professionally printed and include a box insert to hold your Crazy Brix cartridge in place. We want you to play our games, so we have not sealed or shrinkwrapped the boxes in any way, allowing you easy access to the game cartridge and manual.

These boxes are the same size as boxes Atari produced for their games "back in the day". They look great sitting on a shelf with your other boxed homebrew games, or alongside games from the classic Atari 2600 library. We only have a limited number of boxes for each game, and there is no guarantee they will become available again once our supplies are exhausted. Click on the images to the right to see larger photos of the box.

Number of Players 1 - 2
Controller Joystick or Paddles
Cartridge Size 32K
Programming Robert DeCrescenzo

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Mnr. e.M.D.C.

When I refreshed my 7800 hobby after a few years absence, I bought "Crazy Brix" as soon as I returned to the AtariAge Store without so much as a passing glance at the reviews!

I've been a diehard "Paddler" ever since playing "Breakout" in the arcade of a South Afrikan bowling alley as a child. In retrospect, if my Pa knew how seedy that arkade was he absoluutely would never have let my big bro and I step foot off our traditional boerlands! Even into the 1980s, games were just 10c each and R5.00 could last me hours!

When Pa bought us an Atari 2600 in around 1983, I was always drawn to the Paddlers. "Circus Atari" (ja, "Super" is my next purchase), "Kaboom" (en "Avalanche" also) and even Ma joining us for "Warlords" and "Video Olympics." My little Aussie wife is a Pong Basketball protegé!

But "Crazy Brix" takes the concept of tedious old "Breakout" and arms it to the teeth, staying true to its ancestor without going over the top as yet another "Arkanoid" klone, as much as I admire that game.

So ja, do NOT buy "Crazy Brix" expecting the top of the screen to unleash crowds of cumbersome 'alien' obstacles or a hail of overrewarding powerups from nearly every strike. This is the thinking man's (girl's?) Arkanoid! Each serve furnishes your paddle with two balls and there is a very strong incentive to keep both balls in play as points eqates to additional serves and by the middle boards you'll need as many serves as possible to get into the truly kray boards past around 20. I am YET to clock "Crazy Brix" after over a year but come so mighty close, let me tell you! Along with my built-in copy of "Asteroids", "Food Fight" and "Thrust " in 2600 mode, "Crazy Brix" by far, receives the most sexy time with my pretty PAL partner. And my wifey doesn't even jealous!

Okay, ja there are other 7800 homebrew titles that push the old girl further and look prettier but if you have yourself a penchant for Paddlers, "Crazy Brix" requires no further lyrical waxing from a crazy old Boer like me. Totsiens almans!

Silver B.

I've had Crazy Brix for a while now and it's become a full blown addiction of mine. It starts as what I would call a simple Breakout style game. The craziness starts at a 1 out of a possible 10. That is to say, it starts as a bare bones clone and seemingly nothing more. But soon it amps up.

The sound effects are a nice collection of classic inspired beeps and blips. Your bound to hear a sound effect that is familiar to you. And soon enough you'll see a block pattern that is inspired by your favorite Atari games. The craziness is climbing. We are at a 4.

There is some questionable collision or bounces at times. You'll swear that the ball went right through your paddle. But these are so far and few between that it's hardly worth mentioning. What is worth mentioning is that even without a paddle, the gameplay and challenge is tight. And now the brick patterns are getting more tight and the walls them selves seem to be closing in. There's odd corners and angles that mess with your perception of how the ball should behave. We've nearly reach the peak of craziness. We are at a 7.

And then you see it. Not only do the walls surround the game field but they run down the middle of the block pattern, testing your reflexes to their breaking point. Your barely keeping one ball alive, let alone the 2 that each press of the button starts you with. But you do it. You finish the level. Only to see the next level is a maze of walls with a single layer of bricks throughout. You would have to be a geometry genius to get the balls down these tunnels. And then they bring out the straight jacket. You've reach craziness level 10. It's not's the Brix.the Brix did it not meI'm perfectly sane the Brix are crazy you believe me right?you have to, these are crazy brix man! Hahahahahaha crazy hahahahahah Brix ahahahabrixahhahaaaaaaahh


You'll see some boards similar to those found in Arkanoid but most boards are totally original.

8th l.

This a great original homebrew game for the 7800. The gameplay is great. Crazy Brix is a must for those who like Paddle games.

Funkmaster V.

PacManPlus does a lot of arcade conversions very well. but this one came straight from the man's brain, and it's one of my favorite of his by far. It's like the best version of Breakout you will ever play. But WAY better. Like WAAAAYYYYYY better. My only qualm is that one of the unique boards later on. (like level 32) one of the balls got stuck and I had to reset. But hey. it's all good in tha hood. 5 stars.

Aaron L.

I've been having a lot of fun with this excellent game! This is a new evolution of the classic game "Breakout" that does NOT follow in a similar direction to games like "Arkanoid" and the excellent "Breakout 2000." "Crazy Brix" instead follows it's own path and creates interest and challenge with unique and interesting level design rather than with enemies and power ups. The only enemy here is your own skill and endurance. The level designs also pay tribute to classic Atari games and remain fun and engaging throughout. Paddle-based gameplay is unique to this era of game systems and "Crazy Brix" takes it to new heights. This is a "must have" cartridge for any 7800 owner!

Daniel V.

Because I'm a fan of Atari 2600 Super Breakout (SB), I opted for "Crazy Bricks" as my first- ever Homebrew choice. To say that I am impressed is an understatement. If I possessed this game back in '82, I would have flunked Middle school!
You can play this game with either a joystick or paddle control - I recommend the paddle control. Now one of the features I noticed, when using the paddle controller, is your on-screen paddle is "stabilized". No more jittery paddle effect, resulting in smoother control and more satisfying gameplay.
Concerning gameplay, the ball moves about the screen in a much more interesting and realistically random fashion than SB. For example,the ball can take out several bricks with one hit if the angle is right boring brick at a time with SB. Also, the ball doesn't get "trapped" moving in the same redundant patterns, as often, as with SB. The game board brick design consistently changes with each completion. I love the classic Atari brick designs the best, such as the key from Adventure, and the tank from Combat. I won't reveal anymore, as you need to discover this for yourself! Another interesting feature of gameplay is how the borders of the brick area are not always the standard squarish shape. This allows for a greater variation on how the ball moves about the screen - real cool! These elements of discovery will drive you feverishly and you will hit the reset button over and over just to see what the next board look like! The next thing you know, it is 2 A.M. in the morning - you have to force yourself to put down the paddle and go to bed! I havn't experienced this level of excitement for a game since I was a kid playing "Pitfall".
My bottom line; Iif you loved Super Breakout or just thought it to be mediocre you will love Crazy Bricks with a passion!

Mark M.

If have a 7800 and like paddle games, your only option has been to play the 2600 classics. Crazy Brix brings the Breakout concept to the 7800 with some cool twists. A couple of new things are having two balls to ‘juggle’ and having the ‘Brix’ patterns change. In fact, if you get through the first few levels, you will really enjoy some of the patterns at the advanced levels! If you enjoy paddle games, you will really like Crazy Brix. Another 7800 classic from PacManPlus!