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Galactopus - Atari 2600

Galactopus - Atari 2600

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Haverchuck was in the middle of another graveyard shift in the sub-sub-sub-sub-basement of the Alien Trespass Advance Reconnaissance Initiative monitoring the the long-range solar sonar when he heard the klaxon from the Thermo-Kwik™ alerting him that his baked potato was ready. He leapt to his feet not noticing his slightly defective self-tying bootlace had wrapped itself around his chair leg. He fell hard, hitting his head on the edge of the instrument panel and blacking out. At that moment a dim red light below the solar sonar illuminated, signaling the arrival of an alien intruder.

Now it's up to you to take control of the PX-77 low-orbit fighter and confront the most feared cephalopod of the cosmos, the Galactopus! Grab your favorite Atari compatible joystick and get ready for action! Use the joystick to move your ship left and right across the bottom of the screen. Press the action button to fire a laser blast up the screen at Galactopus. Initially your laser isn't powerful enough to kill Galactopus, only chip away pieces of the octonium armor. Collect the pieces to power up your blaster. Once you collect 8, you'll be able to blow Galactopus out of the sky!


Galactopus Hunting

To paraphrase the ancient philosopher Yakov Smirnoff, "In ocean, you hunt octopus. In space, octopus hunts you." the galactopus is an alpha predator with no natural enemies and, to be frank, not a lot of unnatural enemies either.

The prototype PX-77 low-orbit fighter is humanity's latest best h ope against the galactopus. Constructed from a new ultra light-weight yttyxkium alloy, engineers are cautiously optimistic that it can survive the trip to the upper atmosphere.

Galactopus Galactopus

The PX-77 is armed with an ion displacement cannon powered by an on-board octonium react or. Adding octonium to the reactor increases the output of the cannon. At full strength, it is theoretically powerful enough to fell a cacaltopus.

One major drawback in the current cannon design is the potential for overheating. After each shot, the firing mechanism goes into a lockdown state that lasts roughly the amount of time it takes for the shot to disappear from view in order to allow the system adequate time to cool down.

Only time and the heroic sacrifices of test pilots will tell if the PX-77 will fare any better than previous anti-galactopus efforts. In the meantime, be sure to always wear your collapsable reflective headgear when outdoors, just in case that actually helps.

Additional Information

Galactopus includes game cartridge and eight-page, full-color manual. Galactopus is available in NTSC and PAL60 television formats, please select above when ordering.

Number of Players 1
Controller Joystick Controller
Cartridge Size 4K
Programming Eric Pryor
Label Design John (Atariboy) Calcano
Manual Eric Pryor

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Very fun game!

Andrew L.

Really good game! I love the gameplay it's unique. also the storyline in the manual is also pretty cool and got some funny jokes in it. very cool cart labels too. simple but addicting game. I reccomend to anyone who loves vertical shoot em ups or atari 2600 games in general.

Dan V.

"Galactopus" is as old-school Atari as it gets! Simple, quick and fun! I love the concept of a giant Octopus attacking from outer space. Galactopus feels like a game that was released in 1982 - kinda gives me the same feeling as Yars Revenge.
The only thing, that I would've done differently(if I could program😋), would be to enhance the final blast which kills Galactopus. And if you miss, you must start over - recharging you laser cannon.

Great game, worth every bit of the $20 admission fee!


Very old school 4K graphics, but a neat, nostalgic and fairly original concept, if I'm not mistaken (shields are reminiscent of Star Castle, perhaps). A lot of fun to play and gets challenging and tests your timing in addition to just your typical Phoenix-type shooter. Something like this would often be the boss round in similar games. I think the challenge phases could have used some work as it is often impossible to physically make it from one chip to the next sometimes, making beating the challenge round impossible. Seems like a significant flaw, but maybe I am missing something, so just taking one star. Also, hoping to see a pair of galactopuses (this is correct grammar!) to do battle against in later rounds.