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Immunity - Atari 2600

Immunity - Atari 2600

Regular price $50.00
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In 'Immunity,' you play the role of parts of the human immune system, both inside your cells, and among your cells where infecting viruses roam. Within your cells, during the “intracellular” play mode, you control the free ribosome that can shoot sideways back and forth through the cell, collecting helpful substances and fighting off the infection! When the cell is cleared of infection, your perspective shifts to an outer view during the “exocellular” play mode where you control a bound ribosome to fling antibodies at viruses before they infect your cell. When a virus is completely covered by antibodies, you direct the macrophage to gobble up the now-neutralized virus to lower the overall viral load.

Your perspective can switch back and forth several times between intracellular and exocellular as you fight the infection. If you run out of antibodies before you eliminate your viral load, you will die. But if you neutralize all the free viruses outside your cells while still having antibodies, you gain ‘Immunity!’ Along the way, you will see scoring reviews when switching between play modes.

Immunity Box



Use the left joystick to move the ribosome up/down in intracellular mode and fire button to launch sideways. You will automatically gobble up infecting RNA, Energy and Vitamin molecules, and lose spike proteins knocked loose by ramming a new virus. In exocellular mode, use your joystick left and right and use the fire button fire antibodies at the infecting viruses. If a virus is completely neutralized, press your joystick up to activate the macrophage and move it left/right to engulf the virus. Finally, press fire to dissolve the virus. The Left Difficulty Switch may be used to make the game more challenging in the A position or easier in the B position.

Immunity Cart and Manual



Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot Immunity Screenshot


Additional Information

Included with Immunity is the game cartridge, full-color, 32-page manual, and a professionally printed box. Immunity supports the NTSC television standard.

Number of Players 1 - 2
Controller Joystick Controllers
Cartridge Size 16K
Programming and Graphics Michael Losh
Manual Concept, Writing, Editing Michael Losh
Packaging Art and Design William Thorup

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jared G.W.

I picked up a copy of Immunity at PRGE 2023. It's a very enjoyable game! I showed it to a relative who is a microbiologist and she said it's a pretty accurate simulation of what the immune system does. But while you're sure to learn something, the educational aspect doesn't overshadow the FUN! Watch a demo or read through the manual to understand the details of the gameplay. I come back to this game again and again. Highly recommended.