Jammed is a sliding puzzle game in which you try to steal a car trapped in a parking lot by moving other cars out of the way. You can only move the cars forwards and backwards, and there\'s only one way out of the lot. Can you escape with the car of your dreams in the required number of moves? Or will you find yourself hopelessly trapped and end up having to take the bus home?Well, you don\'t really have to take the bus home if you lose. The game simply moves onto the next puzzle. In fact, Jammed simply moves onto the next puzzle if you win, too. There\'s no running total to tell you how many puzzles you\'ve successfully solved, or how many you\'ve failed at. There are an impressive 600 puzzle variations in Jammed, ranging from ones even a novice puzzler can handle, to some requiring dozens of moves to solve. Despite the sheer number of variations, they\'re all based on the same basic puzzle. The lot never changes size or shape, and there are no additional challenges like immovable obstacles or different exit locations to help bring more variety to the gameplay.Although the player\'s car looks very nice, the rest of the cars are simple white blocks. Still, the graphics are sufficient, although some additional color would have been welcomed - perhaps making each maze or difficulty level a different color. The option to choose the player\'s car color would also have been a nice feature. There\'s very little sound in the game, except for a couple of short tunes at the end of each puzzle. I kept wanting to hear the sound of cars banging into each other, or the throaty roar of an engine as I made my escape.Jammed is a very good puzzle game, and there are plenty of variations to keep even the most diehard puzzle aficionados occupied. But with no way to track your progress, and 600 variations, it can become frustrating to remember which ones you\'ve solved, and which you haven\'t, or even how many you had solved during a single game, and how many you didn\'t. Nonetheless, Jammed is very successful at being what most puzzle games are - an enjoyable diversion. If you like puzzle games, it\'s well worth having. And at $18, it\'s a downright steal.