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reBOOTed - Atari Jaguar

reBOOTed - Atari Jaguar

Regular price $70.00
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Get Rebooted!

From space, to the open highway, to the sea. The worlds of Reboot return in a multi-game cartridge that will make your head spin and TV explode with hours of fun! These landmark, thoroughly updated classics, can now be easily enjoyed in one cartridge!

reBOOTed is a collection of seven Jaguar games on a single 6MB cartridge! The games featured in this multipack have all been given an update with new graphics, music and  other additions such as Pro Controller support and cartridge saves. Some of these titles have previously never had a physical release, while others were only available on Jaguar CD or in extremely limited runs due to production costs.

The Games

reBOOTed features seven unique games, all described below:

  • Beebris - Special Edition - The blocks fall relentlessly down the screen. Manage the stack or failure awaits!
  • Downfall: OG Plus - All the features from Downfall+ added to an updated version of the original release.
  • HMS Raptor: Oxygenated - Rescue the divers, avoid the sharks, don't get shot or run out of oxygen. Simple!
  • Kobayashi Maru: Redux - Time jump through the skies and go for that high score!
  • Rocketeer: Rebooted - The far reaches of the universe aren't easy places to navigate through. With a spacesuit and a gun you can go a long ways though!
  • Expressway: Re-Expressed - Pepdestranity is being attacked once again. Can you get to the promised other-side-of-the-road and avoid the unrelenting cult of the cars?
  • Rocks Off (Again) - A planetary puzzler. Can you complete all the levels?
  • And More...?

reBOOTed Box


reBOOTed Screenshot reBOOTed Screenshot reBOOTed Screenshot reBOOTed Screenshot reBOOTed Screenshot reBOOTed Screenshot reBOOTed Screenshot

Postcards Included!

Included with reBOOTed are three random postcards selected from a set of eight unique postcards created for the game. These postcards feature original artwork from the various worlds you'll visit in Rocketeer: Rebooted. The designs were crafted by Alexander "Ander Lex" Grade, who is also responsible for the Rocketeer: Rebooted in-game, as well as several other games in this collection.

reBOOTed Postcards

Additional Information

reBOOTed includes a professionally printed, full-color box, a full-color manual, game cartridge, and three random reBOOTed postcards.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

This collection is great. Downfall is my favorite and is easily worth the price alone. Downfall is a game that my friends always ask to play when they come by. It is simple and addicting. Another favorite is Expressway. Simple and also addicting. Play alone or against friends. That is what Atari is best at! Great collection!

Brian B.

Very nice collection of games and certain other features that help with certain other features. I guess that's the way you need to put it for on here? Anyways the Maru game is worth the price on its own and all the extra is just Atari gravy.