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Spies in the Night - Atari 2600

Spies in the Night - Atari 2600

Regular price $30.00
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Spies in the Night

Well, hello there!! My name is Starling, Ray Starling. I love sounding all James-Bondy. I'm here to tell you a little secret. I have an odd job, by odd job I mean I kill people and blow things up. Now killing people for money is frowned upon and anyone with any common sense would turn their backs on it. For me, this job, THIS JOB, is my crowning moment. How many people can say that the President of the United States hand-picked YOU for your unique resume.

You see, there are a bunch of bad guys in a military base doing bad things to some good people. I am going to stop them. Now here's my plan, one I hope you agree with. So listen up and let me tell you...


Game Objective

You are a spy in a trench coat and fedora trying to infiltrate and destroy the target base, but there is a rotating lighthouse in the distance. If the beam falls upon you and you aren't completely hidden behind the wall, a sniper will end your life in a hail of bullets. You must destroy that lighthouse first.

Push the joystick left and right to walk in that direction. The fire button will make your player duck. This is helpful to hide behind shorter segments of the broken wall.

Cross to the right side of the screen to move to the next section. The broken wall is randomly generated each time. Once you pass a certain number of screens, the level will advance and the wall sections will become more sparse.

There is no limit to the number of lives you have. If you die, just push the fire button to try again from the left side of the screen. There is a timer that counts down on each level. Try not to get shot as it will waste some time.

Make it to the end of the level with time to spare and you can blow up the lighthouse.



Spies in the Night Screenshot Spies in the Night Screenshot
Spies in the Night Screenshot Spies in the Night Screenshot


Get a Spies in the Night Box!

Spies in the Night

If you'd like a boxed copy of Spies in the Night, please select "Box Upgrade: Yes" at the top of the page before adding Spies in the Night to your cart. Our boxes are professionally printed and include a box insert to hold your Spies in the Night cartridge in place. We want you to play our games, so we have not sealed or shrinkwrapped the boxes in any way, allowing you easy access to the game cartridge and manual.

These boxes are the same size as boxes Atari produced for their games "back in the day". They look great sitting on a shelf with your other boxed homebrew games, or alongside games from the classic Atari 2600 library. We only have a limited number of boxes for each game, and there is no guarantee they will become available again once our supplies are exhausted. Click on the images to the right to see larger photos of the box.


Additional Information

Spies in the Night includes game cartridge and 4-page manual.

Number of Players 1
Controller Joystick
Cartridge Size 8K
Programming Jared Gray West
Manual Design Grazi Mello
Manual Text Scott Dayton

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Ray K.
Simple, Satisfying and Unique.

Art often thrives on limitations, and the best 2600 games are exemplary of that principle.

Spies in the Night falls into that category. The simple, yet engaging gameplay hooks you in and draws you into it, and the game makes good use of its simple but effective visuals. The lighthouse tracking left as you approach from screen to screen is a nice touch, adding to the sense of urgency as you approach your goal and time starts to run out .

It's immensely satisfying when you blow up the lighthouse.

The randomly generated wall sections provided added replayability, and the black and white color pallet adds mood. A bold artistic choice that probably wouldn't have been allowed in a commercial release back in the day.

Ordered mine with the box upgrade and manual. Beautifully printed, and a welcome addition to my collection. Couldn't be happier with this purchase.

Daniel V.

"Spies in the Night" is a perfect fit for the VCS! It's as-if this game was designed along with the VCS instead of Combat!
While playing, I become so engrossed, that I actually imagine myself as the 'spy'
There is a problem though...
Spies in the Night is too easy. I mastered this game in roughly 6 hours of game play. Now that's 6 hours, spread out over several game sessions.
Where the programmer went wrong, is (only) offering unlimited lives, because it doesn't take long to get good.
This game could've been easily fixed, by programming the unused left difficulty switch, to only offer 3 lives.
I am truly heartbroken that Spies in the Night no longer offers me challenge. I cannot overrstate, my love of this game. Unfortunately, it has become one of those games, I will pull out once a year vs. a go-to favorite game!

Daniel V.

I've bought many Atariage games over the past 10 years. I retain only the best for my collection. Let's just say that "Spies In The Night" will NOT be auctioned on ebay! It shares top honors with legendary 2600 homebrews "Pac-Man 4K" and "Toyshop Trouble"!! It's easy to imagine the success this game might've experienced bitd! What a creative gem!!

Michael N.

I loved this game. It is wonderfully addicting and so much fun to play. I really love the Noir style and feel to the game. I highly recommend this game to everyone who enjoys retro gaming.

Lee K.

Simple in concept and difficult to master. that's where GREAT original titles for the Atari shine. This is 100% that. It's just one of those games where you come back to push yourself a little bit more every time. The payoff at the end of each section is really fantastic and the difficulty increase is manageable while being challenging. By no means does this game get repetitive! I can't wait for the sequel!


If you want to try a new homebrew, Spies In The Night should be your first choice! This is by far one of the most amazing games you can get for the VCS. The gameplay is simple and addictive. The noir style is tasteful. The graphics and sound are just classic. High quality cartridge with an amazing game inside! Highly recommend that you make this purchase.

Joe T.

I also bought this directly from the source when I saw it advertised on Facebook. I'm glad to see Atari Age offering it now, since I'm assuming most people haven't heard of it. I love the packaging and theme of a 1940's spy novel or movie. It's a highly unique game that I really can't compare to any other Atari game I'm aware of. If you like games where timing your moves is everything (like Pitfall!)! Very fun!

Froggo G.

I bought a limited edition version & was surprised to find out AtariAge is selling them now. This is one of the best games you can buy for your Atari 2600.

It is one of those games you could figure out without a manual. The premise is simple-- use the broken walls as cover to hide from the spotlight as you move left to right, inching closer to the lighthouse as quickly as possible before time runs out. If you are spotted, you are turned into Swiss Cheese and you have to start the screen over, losing time in the process. In later stages, other bullets fly across the screen to add to the challenge. It is very satisfying to blow up the lighthouse!

If this had been made in the 1980s, it would have been one of those games up there with Yar's Revenge or Adventure, games many talked about and regularly enjoyed.

It is a simple game but the graphics are top notch for a 2600 and the controls are very good. This is definitely a must have.