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The Story
The story so far... Magic Knight has rescued his friend and tutor, Gimbal the Wizard, from a self-inflicted White Out spell, and then finds himself catapulted into the 25th Century, aboard the starship USS Pisces. Having acquired a second-hand time machine from the Tyme Guardians, Magic Knight finally reaches his own time and planet - but with a slight problem...
Whilst traveling back, a serious malfunction occurred with the secondhand time machine, and now, horror of horrors, there are two Magic Knights! The other Magic Knight is a real nasty piece of work. He calls himself the "Off White Knight", but locally he is known as the "Stormbringer" because of his powerful and dangerous Storm Cloud, which he is planning to use to destroy Magic Knight.
Magic Knight realizes that he cannot kill Stormbringer, because if he does, he will destroy himself in the process. The only way for Magic Knight to become his old self again is to merge with the "Stormbringer".
Good luck, Magic Knight!

This game uses an enhanced version of windimation. This system allows the player to access windows in which command choices are given. Pressing B on the Joypad will give you the options available.
Move the DPAD up and down to select a command and press B to select.
You control the movement of Magic Knight by pressing the DPAD left and right. Press up to jump.
To turn the music on or off, or load and save the game, select "Read Something" from the command menu and then select the "Gadget".
Only one save can be be stored, and selecting this will overwrite the last save game. Be sure you wish to do this!
Stormbringer, the fourth and final game in the Magic Knight series, was written by David Jones and released in 1987 by Mastertronic. Stormbringer was originally published on the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, and MSX platforms. It would later be published on the Atari ST in 1988, and it is this version that was ported to the Atari Jaguar.
Along with a new soundtrack by Roald Strauss (Gravitic Mines, The Chaos Engine) a few bugs from the original version have also been fixed. First up, save and load now work (quite important!) and, secondly, graphics corruption present in all versions of the Atari ST version has been corrected.

Additional Information
Stormbringer includes a professionally printed, full-color box, a full-color, 4-page manual, and game cartridge.