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SWOOPS! - Atari 2600

SWOOPS! - Atari 2600

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SWOOPS! is a collection of three 1K minigames that Thomas Jentzsch (author of Thrust+ Platinum) submitted in the 2004 Minigame Competition. Two of the games in this collection won first and second place in the 1K competition: Cave 1K won the category, and Splatform came in second place. All three of these games offer addicting gameplay that will keep you coming back for me! SWOOPS! contains a menu that allows you to select which game to play, as well as a "3-Athlon" mode that allows you to play all three games in succession.

The games are:

  • Cave 1K - Can you navigate a helicopter through a treacherous cave at a nail-biting pace, avoiding obstacles in your path as well as well as the floor and ceiling? As you progress through the cave, the obstacles get closer together and your speed increases! How far into the cave can you get?

  • Crash 'n' Dive - Help little Toto to survive while falling down an endless tunnel. Score points by collecting sequences of identical colored platforms and bonus platforms and avoid deadly platforms. Starts slow, but gets extremly fast later. If you can survive that long!

  • Splatform 2600 - Splatform is a simple, but fun platform jumping game where your goal is to jump from platform to platform while moving to the right as quickly as you can. You lose points for bouncing in place, giving you an incentive to keep moving!

Includes cartridge and manual, with a beautiful label and manual designed by Dave Exton. Available in NTSC and PAL formats (please specify above when ordering).

Author Thomas Jentzsch
Number of Players 1
Controller Joystick Controller and Paddles (for Crash 'n' Dive)
Cartridge Size 4K
Label and Manual Design Dave Exton

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

For this this collection is worth it just for Cave 1K where you control a cool looking helicopter and as you press fire to climb higher it sounds like the rotor blades speed up. All these games from the create of 2600 Thrust means its worth your time and a great additional to your collection.


This is an excellent value for the money! All three mini games are highly addictive and good fun. It's worth noting that Crash n Dive will finally give you a reason to hook up those paddles again.

José F.

Excelent game, i'm playing this game with my starpath supercharger! is awesome! thanks

Nathan S.

A fun collection of three mini-games: Splatform, Crash \'n\' Dive and Cave 1k. You can play each separately, or as a "3-athlon" where your scores for all three mini-games are combined.Splatform alone would be worth the price of the cartridge. It\'s a fun, addictive game which requires deft control and patience (but not too much patience, since time is against you). The more you play, the better you\'ll learn the layout of the platforms, and the higher you\'ll score the next time. But there\'s also a random platform mode that ensures you\'ll never completely master this game, even if you manage to beat all of the regular levels.Crash \'n\' Dive is a surprisingly fast-paced game where you plummet past (and into) colored platforms. If you hit the same color multiple times in a row, your score will increase faster. Miss a platform, your score goes down. The trick is picking the right colors to run into, without letting too many of the other ones go by. The platforms can race by at a breakneck speed, and the paddle control makes it a pretty fun twitch game. It would be nice to have more than just one life though.Finally is Cave 1k, where you use only the fire button to control the altitude of a helicopter flying through a cave. It\'s a pretty good mini-game, but it would have been nice if there were more to it. Fuel to pick up, objectives to accomplish, people to rescue, or maybe more complex terrain (like the platforms in Splatform). Even so, as an addition to the other two mini-games, it rounds out this collection nicely.

Stan D.

It has been far too long since Thomas Jentzsch released a game for the 2600, but it has been well worth the wait! Swoops is an excellent collection of the three addictive mini-games that will keep you coming back for more for hours.The first game, Splatform is perhaps the best of the lot. The game is simple yet fun and defines "one more game, I know I can get farther!"Crash n\' Dive, the second game, takes a little longer to warm up to, but once the game mechanics are fully understood it will get just as much play as Splatform.The final game in the trio is truly a marvel. Imagine an action game that only uses the joystick button! Cave 1K is pure insanity. Navigating your chopper through a cave while dodging walls with your thrusting ability (what is it with Thomas and thrust-based games???) might sound simple, but as the walls get longer the challenge becomes all too evident. The true feat of this game, however, is that it is all accomplished in just 1K.We\'d all love for Thomas Jentzsch to put out at least one game a year, but if that isn\'t possible, its pretty much certain when he does produce a game it is going to be a must-have. Swoops is no different.