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THREE·S - Atari 2600

THREE·S - Atari 2600

Regular price $30.00
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THREE·S (i.e., "3 Dots") is a simple, but addicting puzzle game based on numbers. THREE·S is the Atari 2600 version of the great mobile game Threes!. All game mechanics have been implemented faithfully, and only the display has been changed to fit the limitations of the Atari console. The iOS game Threes! was just awarded Apple's 2014 Game of the Year.

In THREE·S, the top 4x4 board is your playfield. Initially, a random set of numbered tiles is spread across it. Your task is to merge the dots and numbers. To help with your merging, the tiles with the current highest number are displayed with a yellow background.

A preview of the next tile is displayed in the upper right-right corner. The color indicates if the next tile is a '.', ':' or '0'. If the preview displays a '+', the next tile will be a higher value bonus tile.

THREE·S Screenshot THREE·S Screenshot THREE·S Screenshot THREE·S Screenshot


Your objective in THREE·S is to merge identical numeric titles to score points. Tiles will only merge if they cannot move further into the direction they are pushed.

You can only merge tiles with identical numbers. The resulting merged tile will be one greater in value than the tiles that were merged. An exception to this rule are the blue and red dots. Those must be combined and will then create a '0' tile.

Whenever you move a tile, a new tile is created at a random position on the row or column opposite the move direction. The new tile will flash briefly.

The current score on a white background and the high score on a yellow background are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

THREE·S Label Designs

We've created five unique label designs for THREE·S, as pictured below. You'll receive one of these designs randomly!

THREE·S Cartridge THREE·S Cartridge THREE·S Cartridge THREE·S Cartridge THREE·S Cartridge

AtariVox Support

An AtariVox, AtariVox+, or SaveKey plugged into the second controller port can be used with THREE·S to store your high score.

Additional Information

THREE·S includes the game cartridge and full-color, twelve page manual. THREE·S supports both NTSC and PAL television standards.

Number of Players 1
Controller Joystick
Cartridge Size 4K
Programming Thomas Jentzsch
Label and Manual Design Brian Ostrowski

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Reality S.

This is a *very* addictive puzzle game, and a blast to compete locally with friends. The premise sounds simple, slide the board around using the joystick to move the pieces around, ultimately to get dots to combine to make numbers or to make like numbers combine with each other. Sounds easy but it gets quite tough. Very addictive game, we loved it! Just be sure to read the instructions or watch a video on how to play it first, once you understand how to play it's an excellent game. Watch us play it live on our Twitch stream here for the first time: