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Total Carnage - Jaguar

Total Carnage - Jaguar

Regular price $89.00
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Total Carnage

Captain Carnage and Major Mayhem lead your force... all right, actually they are your force. That's right - two men against an entire army! If you need better odds than that, this isn't your game! Here's your mission: with your one or two man ground force, you must stop a mad dictator bent on destroying the world! Rescue civilians, eliminate key targets, and destroy General Akhboob's bio-nuclear generators, which he's using to create his endless mutant army!

On your side: an awesome arsenal of the military's most destructive weaponry and your ability to engage in optional two-player simultaneous combat. On their side: multiple battle zones full of the nastiest mutated enemies and the baddest bosses you'll ever want to see!

Total Carnage

Total Carnage is the classic arcade game originally ported by Hand Made Software and licensed from long-time game publisher Midway. One or two players assume the roles of Captain Carnage or Major Mayhem in a tongue-in-cheek frantic assault on the dastardly forces of General Ahkboob. There is an unending -- often overwhelming -- number of enemies pursuing the heroes at all times, but thankfully there are also many powerups, bombs, and even missile strikes to assist players in their quest. Player strive to rescue civilians and collect valuable items such as keys, dogtags, and more.

Are you prepared for Total Carnage?

Total CarnageTotal Carnage
Total CarnageTotal Carnage
Total CarnageTotal Carnage

Additional Information

Total Carnage includes a professionally printed, full-color box, a sixteen-page manual, and game cartridge.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
David F.

Great game. Two player co-op mode is amazing. Plays best with twin stick controller.

Derrick S.

Midway arcade game for your Atari Jaguar. High speed constant arcade action that never get's old. Drop a mine or 2 when things get hectic or call in an airstrike for the big stuff. Sound is incredible although the gameplay music is turned off, this however has no negative effects on the gameplay itself due to the constant fast paced arcade action (you wont think about the music). The music does kick in when you get to the final boss. Graphics are about as close to the arcade as you can get but there is some slight slowdown when the screen gets overcrowded with enemies, this does not detract from the gameplay. Controls are fine once you get the hang of it. There are 2 different ways with the standard controller, 3 if you have a Pro-Controller. I was able to play through the game using the standard controller and the basic control method. Using the D-Pad seems to be the easiest way to point your character but you will have to release the trigger if you want to point in a different direction. You can use the number pad to point on the fly but I found this to be cumbersome. The Pro-Controller is preferred but not necessary. Overall it's a great game that fills a void in the Jaguar's scant library. Arcade like graphics and gameplay, Superb Arcade like sound, 2 player team play, password support. Hand Made Software did a great job here.

William C.

Game is choppy, controls are inadequate, and the screen is some kind of pan and scan full-screen, meaning the entire area of play is zoomed in and cut off. You have to move to the edge of the screen to get it to slightly scroll so you can pick up what you're missing. The Super Nintendo port may be a censored piece of garbage, but it plays a lot better than the Jaguar port.